le nouveau monde.
"Le Nouveau Monde,
pour le navigateur qui s’en approche,
s’impose d’abord comme un parfum,
bien différent de celui suggéré dès Paris par une assonance verbale,
et difficile à décrire à qui ne l’a pas été respiré."
– Claude Lévi-Strauss, "Tristes Tropiques".
Moving between tropics is a constant in the life of Alex Fernandino, a Brazilian musician based in France.
A former member of the bands Moan and Constantina, Alex set out now on a solo journey to cross the frontiers of the still unknown, magnetizing the past and the future. 'Tropiques' is the name he chose to bring together all the memories and experiences of different moments in his life and to turn them into music. All these feelings are imprinted in his compositions using rock, ambient, and electronics as tools for instrumental tunes. Melodies and electronics mark the moment of crossing this sound tropics; how to belong without inhabiting; how to exist without being present.
His debut work can be heard on the project 'At Home With ... (songs for solitude) Vol. 09' released by La Petite Chambre Records label.